Delta to next: 84 D_1:56:9 (seconds total: 7264569) (39) (12)
4565 (20) (2) Epoch: 1593712380 (39) (3) Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 07/02/2020 13:53:00 ID: e67d38
8kun/qresearch: 9827385Q Clock [ Min: 38 | :25/:55 Mir: 12 | 180 Mir: 8 | :35/:05 Mir: 32 ]
Possible Epstein was a puppet [not the main person(s) of interest]?
Financed by who or what [F] entities?
1. [Primary] gather blackmail on elected pols, dignitaries, royalty, hollywood influencers, wall street and other financial top level players, other high profile industry specific people, etc.
2. Feed an addiction [controllable]
Maxwell family background?
Robert Maxwell history [intel, agency, wealth, [CLAS 1-99]]?
Sometimes it's the people in the background that are of greater significance.