Delta to Reply: 0 D_00:15:6 (seconds total: 906) (15) (6)
Epoch: 1655557340 (41) (5)
Judester / @jebwarrick 06/18/2022 09:02:20 ID:Not Available Truth Social: 108498605876565952
Delta to Reply: 0 D_00:13:16 (seconds total: 796) (22) (4)
Epoch: 1655557450 (43) (7)
Gregg Phillips / @greggphillips 06/18/2022 09:04:10 ID:Not Available Truth Social: 108498613065388328
Delta to Reply: 0 D_00:11:32 (seconds total: 692) (17) (8)
Epoch: 1655557554 (48) (3)
Judester / @jebwarrick 06/18/2022 09:05:54 ID:Not Available Truth Social: 108498619883827300