4659 (24) (6) Epoch: 1599787524 (57) (3) Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/10/2020 21:25:24 ID: dd7b12
8kun/qresearch: 10597394Q Clock [ Min: 48 | :25/:55 Mir: 2 | 180 Mir: 18 | :35/:05 Mir: 22 ]
Delta to Reply: 0 D_00:2:10 (seconds total: 130) (4) (4)
Epoch: 1599787394 (62) (8)
Anonymous 09/10/2020 21:23:14 ID:f42df9 8kun/qresearch: 10597334
easiest way is to recrop an image slightly smaller or slightly larger
another is to just place pixels within the picture as one black pixel usually fools software like this unless it's more advanced
More advanced.
Consider 'black corner box 20%' insert top-bottom left/right.
Sniffer cannot distinguish at this time.