Delta to next: 10 D_3:19:32 (seconds total: 875972) (38) (11)
1317 (12) (3) Epoch: 1525486897 (55) (1) Q !2jsTvXXmXs 05/04/2018 22:21:37 ID:
8chan/patriotsfight: 65Q Clock [ Min: 28 | :25/:55 Mir: 22 | 180 Mir: 58 | :35/:05 Mir: 42 ]

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Re_read drops.
Today: JK & Iran
Important - context for future news.
Why is Hussein/JK traveling WW and meeting w/ foreign heads of state (some enemies of the U.S.)?
HRC/BC flying under the radar - same/unreported - why?
(2) former presidents/sec of states (out of power/authority) racing around the world pre/post POTUS - why? UNPRECEDENTED?
The World is Connected.
The World is Watching.