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Anonymous 03/20/2019 22:02:59 ID:dad469 8chan/qresearch: 5800566

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Started digging on the pic Q posted, trying to figure out who took the pic.
Doing a search of it on Tineye, the first article that pops up is from True Pundit, last March.
One thing that popped out, going to dig further in a bit, was the location the pic was taken:
“Clinton is seen here kicking back at a beach day in Jan. 2017 in Palmilla, Bayahibe, an exclusive haven of warm waters and refuge, near the so-called Paso de Catuano, very close to Isla Saona. This resort is only in accessible by private boat.”
No idea who took the pic yet, still digging, but thought I’d share the location in case it helps one of you.
Anybody know anything about this “resort” ?? Is it a “Last Resort” ?