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James Comey, Director – FIRED
Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director - FIRED
Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor – FIRED
James Baker, General Counsel – FIRED
Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence (Strzok’s boss) – Cooperating witness [power removed]
Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence – FIRED
Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel – FIRED/FORCED
Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs – FIRED
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey – FIRED
Michael Steinbach -
John Glacalone -
Randy Coleman -
Trisha Anderson -
Kevin Clinesmith -
Tashina Gauhar -
Sally Moyer -
David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE
John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED
Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED
Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed] - TERMINATION IMMINENT
Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCED
Nothing to See Here.
Image Search Tags:
The "Experts"
But… SESSIONS should appoint a 2nd SC in DC aka THE CORRUPT SWAMP
But… SESSIONS should appoint a 2nd SC in DC aka THE CORRUPT SWAMP [team of less than 20 typically] & wait 2-4 years [take a gamble]
But… SESSIONS should appoint a 2nd SC in DC aka THE CORRUPT SWAMP because unlike the CLINTON EMAIL CORRUPT CASE [as demonstrated by the FBI/DOJ people FIRED/REMOVED] this will be conducted faithfully and honestly [like MUELLER]
But… HUBER has not ‘directly’ interviewed several witnesses therefore the appointment of HUBER by SESSIONS [and therefore the IG] is not genuine
But… SESSIONS & HUBER are following standard DOJ open/ongoing investigation policy by not discussing [making public] so therefore nothing must be happening [FIRE SESSIONS!]
But… HUBER [ability to prosecute + empanel a grand jury outside of DC [90%+ voted HRC (2016)], who already began the investigation(s) late last year w/ assigned team of 470 investigators (attorneys) + IG + legal jurisdiction across all 50 states, is not a ‘special counsel’ so therefore nothing is being done
But… POTUS is attacking SESSIONS via TWITTER so therefore he is not working on behalf of the people’s interest (or POTUS’) [D’s/LEFT LOVE/TRUST SESSIONS!]
But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are so many FBI & DOJ senior officials being FIRED and/or REMOVED from their respective positions of power? Who is AG? Who must sign off on each removal? DOJ in charge of FBI?
But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are there 50,000+ sealed indictments across the US [what % = USA v. X?]? Coincidence vs. HUBER start?
But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are many ‘powerful’ CEOs, members of Congress/ Senate, resigning? Coincidence? Example: Pre_POTUS did the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE indicate wanting to leave politics?
But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are human trafficking arrests SURGING?
Clickbait & opinions vs logical thinking.
Direct communication necessary.
Trust yourself.
Think for yourself.