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Anonymous 04/29/2018 22:10:48 ID:2bf6ac 8chan/qresearch: 1241774
Eager Lion -> Iron Eagle
Delta to Reply: 0 D_1:11:40 (seconds total: 4300) (7) (7)
Epoch: 1525054424 (32) (5)
Anonymous 04/29/2018 22:13:44 ID:d70ade 8chan/qresearch: 1241803

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MARK PENN: “Well, look, I spent a year fighting Ken Starr and I think any reasonable person looking at what happened here says this investigation had no foundation and whatever foundation it had was not only wrong but corrupt. I think Christopher Steele was part of the FBI when he leaked, lied, and then was fired. Page and Strzok are clearly biased. The head of the FBI was clearly biased. The head of the CIA appeared to be doing illegal leaks as well. This whole thing was corrupt. There is a doctrine called the fruits of the poisonous tree, that says when investigations get started like, this when searches and seizures are done on this basis, they should be thrown out. I think that’s probably the best way to stop this thing because, otherwise, we are going all the way to the end and I don’t think we should waste another year here.”