Delta to next: 2 D_20:2:20 (seconds total: 244940) (23) (5)
Delta to Reply: 0 D_00:7:10 (seconds total: 430) (7) (7)
Epoch: 1523320009 (25) (7)
Anonymous 04/09/2018 20:26:49 ID:fda204 8chan/qresearch: 974444

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The connection is simply chlorine…not false flag.
Keep in mind that every crumb is not meant to be solved before the event. Some of the drops are things for anons to dig on and make connections with, others are markers for future reference.
>[future proves past]
Some drops are just simply communication to the anons.
What needs to be understood to appreciate whats going here is the fact the Q is basically creating a circular flow diagram that can be referenced and cross-checked with news releases. Q can’t just disclose specifics about a situation or operation without violating security protocol. Instead they drop questions and statements that lead to answers that can be understood once the subject becomes public. This provides the validation necessary for the public to believe The Great Awakening is legit. Disinformation and misdirection with Q is real. In other words Q is pointing over there but really the focus is here and only until you publicly get the news can you go back and understand. (Think SA drops) All of this is accomplished without giving up specific details about the operation. It’s quite genius.