Delta to next: 0 D_00:43:26 (seconds total: 2606) (14) (5)
675 (18) (9) Epoch: 1517899590 (54) (9) Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/06/2018 01:46:30 ID: 975911
8chan/qresearch: 283537Q Clock [ Min: 1 | :25/:55 Mir: 49 | 180 Mir: 31 | :35/:05 Mir: 9 ]
Delta to Reply: 0 D_00:5:26 (seconds total: 326) (11) (2)
Epoch: 1517899264 (52) (7)
Anonymous 02/06/2018 01:41:04 ID:1c46f1 8chan/qresearch: 283468
Lynch offered a SC position if Hillary got through?
Build timeline.
AS 187.
HRC investigation pivot points.
JC dismiss letter.
WL comms.