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Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/05/2018 23:36:08 ID: fccc50
8chan/thestorm: 4706

CodeMonkey - once IDEN validated can you provide a secure board to post under your control to prevent future issues.
IP / device kept the same for your verification.
IP / trip secured at highest level.
BIG events coming.
Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/05/2018 22:51:45 ID: fccc50
8chan/thestorm: 4657

CodeMonkey pls log and confirm IDEN.
Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/05/2018 17:36:38 ID: ab7ad6
8chan/cbts: 248746

Why is Hussein traveling the globe?
Acct # xx-XXXxx-x-39670
Acct # XXXxx-XXXx-2391
Where did the MONEY come from?
How do you destroy the most POWERFUL country in the world?
Direct attack?
Covert OP by [CLAS-59#241-Q] to infiltrate at highest
level to destroy from within?
Think GAME.
Who are the PLAYERS?
What are the REWARDS?
We will make more public.
SA was strategic.
“We know” “Do as we say or face consequences”
These people are stupid!
Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/05/2018 17:18:47 ID: ab7ad6
8chan/cbts: 248629

One post today.
No other platforms used.
No comms privately w/ anyone.
Don’t get lost.
Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/05/2018 17:12:23 ID: ab7ad6
8chan/cbts: 248590

Follow the MONEY.
Loop Capital Markets.
Happy Hunting.
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/06/2017 21:31:50 ID: 8e6033
8chan/cbts: 45814

What if No Such Agency alerted May to the kill plan per POTUS?
What if the attempt was ordered by ++?
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/06/2017 21:22:00 ID: 8e6033
8chan/cbts: 45723

AL back in the news today after #FLYALFLY#.
Another coincidence?
Follow the news.
Merry Christmas.
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/06/2017 21:05:26 ID: 6f5bab
8chan/cbts: 45609

Anonymous 12/06/2017 21:02:04 ID:c27a60
8chan/cbts: 45569

Why are Sara & John getting all the ‘real' scoops?
Expand your thinking.
Why are they now under protection?
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/06/2017 21:03:11 ID: 6f5bab
8chan/cbts: 45581

Anonymous 12/06/2017 21:01:21 ID:0b6109
8chan/cbts: 45563
I have a question: The 10 days, darkness.. when?

Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/06/2017 21:00:45 ID: 6f5bab
8chan/cbts: 45557

We represent YOU.
Never forget that.
We never will.
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/06/2017 20:58:51 ID: 6f5bab
8chan/cbts: 45541

Watch the news.
Leakers exposed.
These people are stupid.
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/06/2017 20:52:37 ID: 6f5bab
8chan/cbts: 45494

Anonymous 12/06/2017 20:50:09 ID:1d1357
8chan/cbts: 45476

Q can you confirm?


Why is the SS now protecting key members of No Such Agency?
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/06/2017 20:44:36 ID: 6f5bab
8chan/cbts: 45424

HRC tried to cut a deal today.
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/06/2017 20:34:58 ID: 6f5bab
8chan/cbts: 45363

Goodbye AL.
Add to list.
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 11/18/2017 05:18:29 ID: eTJFrZ+E
4chan/pol: 149921023

Anonymous 11/06/2017 17:07:57 ID: KKIreCTB
4chan/pol: 148289594

Nothing is random.
Everything has meaning.
Anonymous 11/06/2017 16:52:48 ID: KKIreCTB
4chan/pol: 148287529

What does money buy?
How do you prevent tampering?
Why are most forms of media left-wing?
Why is H-wood left-wing?
Why is the narrative so important?
Why do liberals defer to racism w/o proof?
No proof.
Who is HRC’s mentor?
What party was he affiliated with?
What party formed the KKK?
What party formed the Confederacy?
What party abolished slavery?
Why are D’s attempting to erase history?
Is the black pop truly free today or enslaved by the D party?
Refer back to black pop crumbs.
Why is this relevant?
Why is there an attack the day after bad news is published (D)?
Do you believe in coincidences?
Paint the picture.
Crumbs will make bread.
Operations underway.
Operators active.
Snow White.
Godfather III.
Anonymous 11/06/2017 16:52:24 ID: KKIreCTB
4chan/pol: 148287473

Why were the acts that recently occurred in SA so critically important?
What US assets are in place in/near SA?
What assurances were made to protect the Kingdom?
Who shot down the missile from Yemen?
POTUS declassify_speech_Jap_11_5
Was it really from Yemen?
How do we know?
Why is this relevant?
Who are the puppets?
Who are the puppet masters?
Who pulls the strings?
What provides power?
What if US elections can be rigged?
How are JFK, Reagan, and Trump different from the rest?
Why did JFK surround himself w/ family much like POTUS?
What if it was bought and paid for?
How would this be possible?
Why are there no voting ID laws in place?
What do you need an ID for? List. Compare. Laugh.
What is the argument for not allowing voter ID laws to be enacted?
Why are immigrants important? (MB)(Votes)(Attacks)
Why are illegals important? (MS13)(Votes)(187)
Why is open border important?
What did BO say on the campaign trail last year to illegals within the US?
What did BO encourage?
Was this illegal?
Who owns sizeable stakes in voter machine co’s?
Who decides what voter machines are used in elections?
Why are some ‘important’ counties still manually/hand counted?
God save us.
Anonymous 11/06/2017 16:51:56 ID: KKIreCTB
4chan/pol: 148287396

Why, by coincidence, is there a terrorist attack (or mental health c-level attack) within a short time post negative D news?
Do you believe in coincidences?
They think you are stupid. Puppets w/o power. They want your guns. Why? No power left.
Who funds ISIS?
What email published by WL connects SA/Qatar to ISIS?
Was HRC connected?
Why is this relevant?
Why is controlling the narrative important?
Do most people investigate for themselves or simply follow?
Why is the MSM so hostile towards POTUS?
Who controls the MSM?
Why, each and every day, is the MSM pushing a particular topic?
Who sets the narrative for the day?
How is the narrative communicated to the MSM?
What does the NSA/MI have (at least what you know of) that allows for data collection?
Think Snowden.
Why is the NSA limited re: ability to capture and unmask US persons?
Who sets the narrative?
US persons?
Who can violate this rule?
Who cannot violate this rule?
Why is Adm R so important?
Who wanted him fired?
Why wasn’t Adm R replaced by POTUS when taking office?
Why is this relevant?
Who has the ultimate power to designate classification?
Who ultimately sets classification?
Why is this relevant?
Fantasy land.
Anonymous 11/06/2017 16:51:29 ID: KKIreCTB
4chan/pol: 148287326

What is money flow disruption?
List the Billionaires.
What family history goes back pre_WW1/2?
Why is this relevant?
Why did the Bush family recently break silence and attack POTUS?
Coincidence pre SA arrests?
Who audits the billions paid for war?
Who audits the billions paid for environment policy (side note)?
Where do the funds go?
To who / which entity and/or org?
What slush fund was recently terminated by AG Sessions?
What is Fast & Furious?
What is the underlying theme?
Who controls the FED?
How did political leaders/’talking heads’ accum assets in excess of $5mm+?
What was the net worth for each prior to taking office?
Why is this relevant?
Snow White.
Godfather III.
Anonymous 11/06/2017 16:50:59 ID: KKIreCTB
4chan/pol: 148287236

What family was permitted to leave immediately after 9-11?
Who authorized the departure?
Why is this relevant?
Was anyone else permitted to leave?
Was anyone else permitted to leave?
Was it a private plane?
What can private planes carry v commercial?
What airport did they arrive/depart from?
What was carried on a private plane to Iran?
Why was the Bin Laden family here during 9-11?
How does SA connect to the Bin Laden family?
Who in SA is connected specifically to the Bin Laden family?
What did they deliver?
To who?
What does money buy?
Why are the events in SA relevant to the above?
Who is the financial backer for human trafficking?
Who is the ‘broker’ for underage sex?
Think SA.
How does FB & Instagram play a role in capture?
Think ‘Taken’.
Fantasy right?
Why do select senior political officials have foundations/institutes?
What is money laundering?
What does money buy?
Why is this relevant?
What other people were arrested in SA?
What are their backgrounds?
Are any connected to the Podesta Group?
Why is this relevant?
What do you need in order to prosecute senior political officials?
How do you avoid public misconception?
How do you justify counter-political attacks to the mass public?
Why is information so vital?
Is the country divided?
Why does the MSM portray the country as being divided?
Why is this relevant?
Anonymous 11/06/2017 16:50:33 ID: KKIreCTB
4chan/pol: 148287184

Image Name: CH_Navy_Bund.jpg
Filename: 1510005033971.jpg

Image Search Tags: warship destroyer 981 916 186 navy

Why was the arrest of Alwaleed and others important?
How is Alwaleed and BO tied to HUMA?
Why did Alwaleed finance BO pre-political days?
Why did Alwaleed finance BO pre-political days?
What is HUMA? Define.
What book was BO caught reading?
Why was this immediately disregarded as false?
What is ‘Post-American World by Fareed Zakaria’?
Why is this relevant?
Why would the President of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA be reading this book?
What church did BO attend as pre-POTUS?
Who was BO’s mentor?
How is Alwaleed and HRC connected?
Who was HRC’s mentor?
How is Alwaleed and Bush Sr./Jr. connected?
What occurred post 9-11?
What war did we enter into?
What was the purpose and disclosures given re: justification?
Who financed 9-11?
Why, recently, are classified 9-11 pages being released?
What just occurred in SA?
What FOIA docs are being publicly released (recently)?
Why is this relevant?
What information is contained within these c-releases?
Why is C Wray important with regards to these releases?
What does money laundering mean?
What is the single biggest event that can generate many nation states to payout billions?
Who audits where the money goes?
$15,000 for a toothbrush?
Why did we attack Iraq?
Who are they?
What do they specialize in?
What is oil field service?
Why is this relevant?
What ‘senior’ level political officials are affiliated w/ Halliburton?
What is the primary goal?
What is the primary mode of influence that drives corruption?
What does money buy?
How is this connected to SA?
How is this connected to Alwaleed?
How is this connected to LV?
Anonymous 11/06/2017 16:48:58 ID: KKIreCTB
4chan/pol: 148286961

Crumb dump incoming fast.
Archive immediately.
Upload to graphic.
Anonymous 11/06/2017 00:23:34 ID: FAkr+Yka
4chan/pol: 148189295

Anonymous 11/05/2017 23:54:34 ID:ibK4PoCz
4chan/pol: 148186000
Image Name: manila-extraction-coords-philipines-japanese-restaurant.jpg
Filename: 1509944074844.jpg


Its a japanese restaurant.



Image Search Tags: map coordinates japan japanese military restaurant

Anonymous 10/29/2017 23:20:11 ID: Eka5Om1K
4chan/pol: 147175452

Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA
No approval or congressional oversight
State Secrets upheld under SC
Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?
Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important? Who surrounds POTUS? They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.
Anonymous 10/29/2017 22:57:27 ID: Eka5Om1K
4chan/pol: 147173287

Remember, the FBI, and MI, have an open investigation into the CF. Why did Comey drop this? Who was the FBI director during the Haiti crisis? How many kids disappeared? How much money sent to CF under disguise of H relief went to H? What countries donated big money to CF and why? How much was owed by accepting? When she lost how would this be repaid? What did Obama do with cash just prior to leaving office? Repayment to those who donated for favors/access? Dig!!!!!
Again, good people were forced into bed with this evil under personal and family threats. Could you live with yourself helping to cover up such evil despicable acts if given a safe way out? These people worship Satan _ some openly show it.
Anonymous 10/29/2017 22:30:26 ID: Eka5Om1K
4chan/pol: 147170576

D’s can’t lose control over the black population.
At some point the great awakening will occur whereby these false local / national black leaders are corrupt and paid off to help keep the black pop poor and in need.
D’s formed the confederate states against freeing slaves.
D’s formed the KKK.
HRC’s mentor is who?
What happens if the truth about Haiti is released? Do D’s lose majority of the vote?
Through the looking glass.
They rely on the MSM to keep the narrative going but tech is entrenching on their controls. They missed this in 2016 and desperately attempting to censor now due to CIA cash infusions. This will fail.
Anonymous 10/29/2017 22:18:17 ID: Eka5Om1K
4chan/pol: 147169329

Husband in jail.
HRC, Muslim Brotherhood, or child?
What would you do? Kiss your child goodbye and leave without a mother or father for Clinton?
Where is Huma today?
Was she with HRC on her book tour?
RE: Military Intelligence / State Secrets
POTUS installed his people within each top spot at each 3 letter agency except 1 (good reason there as Adm R kick started this and scrubbed all POTUS nominations to verify oath).
Do you think they aren’t in control of those respective agencies?
What is most valuable?
AG Sessions on leakers.
Fire or prosecute?
Reorg is underway and happening.
Coincidence Senate Republicans pushing for Fed Judge confirmations last week?
Why are Senate Republicans dropping out? Not by choice and were offered a choice (rest assured they will vote pro Trump).
Anonymous 10/29/2017 21:58:37 ID: Eka5Om1K
4chan/pol: 147167304

Why wasn’t HRC prosecuted for the emails? Put simply, Obama ultimately OK’d by using the non govt email addy to communicate w/ Clinton. Obama also had an alias along with each of his cabinet members. Therefore indicting HRC would lead to indicting Obama & his cabinet etc which could never happen. Remember he lied about knowing but that ultimately came out in the dump. Poof!
Anonymous 10/29/2017 21:48:50 ID: Eka5Om1K
4chan/pol: 147166292

Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs.
POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false.
Follow Huma tomorrow.
POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons. To suggest this is the plan is false and should be common sense.
Focus on Military Intelligence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency
What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate - what must be showed?
Why is POTUS surrounded by generals ^^
Again, there are a lot more good people than bad so have faith. This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just Democrats).
Don’t fool yourself into thinking Obama, Soros, Roth’s, Clinton’s etc have more power present day than POTUS.
Follow the money, it’s the key.
What is Pelosi’s net worth by way of one example. Why coincidentally is her memory apparently going?
Cover for possible future indictment to plead what?
What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution?
Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a NP? Note this doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups.
Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and how is that related to Clinton’s?
Why is MS13 a priority?
Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?
The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil.
Operation Mockingbird.
Anonymous 10/29/2017 12:47:18 ID: P3Lk4PKG
4chan/pol: 147109593

Follow the money, it’s the key.
What is Pelosi’s net worth by way of one example. Why coincidentally is her memory apparently going?
Cover for possible future indictment to plead what?
What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution?
Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a NP? Note this doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups.
Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and how is that related to Clinton’s?
Can you rely on being able to board a plane and fly away?
Why is MS13 a priority _ nobody got this.
Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?
The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed.
Also many are thinking from one point of view, US only, this evil is embedded globally. US is the first domino.
Have faith.
Anonymous 10/29/2017 12:11:40 ID: P3Lk4PKG
4chan/pol: 147106598

Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs.
POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false.
POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons. To suggest this is the plan is false and should be common sense.
Focus on Military Intellingence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency
What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate - what must be showed?
Why is POTUS surrounded by generals ^^
Again, there are a lot more good people than bad so have faith. This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just Democrats).
Don’t fool yourself into thinking Obama, Soros, Roth’s, Clinton’s etc have more power present day than POTUS.
Operation Mockingbird
Patriots are in control. Sit back and enjoy the show.
Anonymous 10/29/2017 11:47:07 ID: P3Lk4PKG
4chan/pol: 147104628

Open your eyes.
It finally came out that Rod/Bob were key players in the Uranium scandal.
Don’t you think POTUS would be tweeting about removal given clear conflict.
Why did POTUS meet Bob under the cover of FBI Dir interview?
Bob is unable to serve as Dir per the law.
Gowdy comments on Comey (history will ....)
POTUS has everything.
Not everyone is corrupt (fewer than you think).
Follow Huma.
Operation Mockingbird.
Priority to clean out the bad actors to unite people behind the America First agenda.
Many in our govt worship Satan.
Not about Republicans v Democrats at this stage.
Where is HRC?
Why is the NG called up across 12 cities?
Trust in your President.
God bless, Patriots.
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