Delta to next: 188 D_6:53:6 (seconds total: 16267986) (45) (9)
1869 (24) (6) Epoch: 1534284947 (47) (2) Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 08/14/2018 18:15:47 ID: 939e10
8chan/qresearch: 2600470Q Clock [ Min: 10 | :25/:55 Mir: 40 | 180 Mir: 40 | :35/:05 Mir: 0 ]
Delta to Reply: 0 D_00:11:40 (seconds total: 700) (7) (7)
Epoch: 1534284247 (40) (4)
Anonymous 08/14/2018 18:04:07 ID:f7c965 8chan/qresearch: 2600205
Are autists hot or cold on the plane message in Seattle or not?
WAY too much speculation…
Calculate probability.
What is the mathematical probability that a rogue missile launched at/near the runaway plane?
Was he a trained pilot?
How fast did intercept occur?
Think missile intercept.
Think aircraft.
Outside of standard deviation?
Do people travel to islands to [Fish]?
How many billionaires own islands?
How many billionaires live on islands?