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Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 17:04:54 ID: 31fd98
8chan/qresearch: 5228903

Image Name: DzlpRPbVsAEYuyS.jpg-large.jpg
Filename: 4286b116aeaa6dc7b27d8b9d7a5858fa8a426c84e45826ea09759535dcdb354c.jpg
Harris & Booker applying political pressure re: Chicago PD re: Smollett FF case?
What Bill did the Senate recently pass re: lynching?
Who were the authors of the Bill?
What FF event took place just prior to the passing of the Bill?
Did the FF event involve a 'noose'?
Did the FF event sway Senators in their decision to prevent FAKE NEWS attacks re: Smollett case?
Did FAKE NEWS contact many Senators prior to vote seeking out pro/nay in attempt to coerce using Smollett case as foundation for possible future smear?
What is the mathematical probability of these [2] events occurring within this same time period?
What is the relationship of Smollett & Booker/Harris?
Will Rahm Emanuel get involved?
Will the Chicago PD cave under pressure?
These people are sick!
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