Delta to Reply: 0 D_00:17:31 (seconds total: 1051) (7) (7)
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 Kash Patel / @Kash 04/21/2022 20:44:02 ID:Not Available Truth Social: 108172951035809028
Image Name: 272b75da3ce72e0b.mp4
Filename: 272b75da3ce72e0b.mp4
Steganographic functions provided by @_Luke_Slytalker STEGANOGRAPHY DATA
The sledge hammer ⚒️ that destroys the Clinton Criminal Cartel- biggest show ever for #DurhamWatch on #KashsCorner on @EpochTV sneak 👀👇🏼 at bottom
And go here for all the sworn depositions @Kash took while running the Russia Gate investigation, that are being used by Bull Durham to prosecute these criminals:
All brought to you by #FWK- support our mission-