 Gregg Phillips / @greggphillips 08/15/2022 17:41:14
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108829060267032178

 jbschirtzinger / @jbschirtzinger 08/15/2022 15:02:45
ID:Not Available
Truth Social: 108828437087951842

I suppose I am unclear on the plan for having a fair election when it is clear that unfair elections have occurred.

 Jennifer / @NorthEastJen 08/15/2022 15:15:18
ID:Not Available
Truth Social: 108828486429452317

Active voter participation & oversight. Apps to report realtime etc.

 jbschirtzinger / @jbschirtzinger 08/15/2022 15:41:34
ID:Not Available
Truth Social: 108828589722872786

And submit it to whom? The courts? All ready been done. The FBI? Congress? The Police? Done, done , done. None of those solved this problem. What's different?

The fusion center concept for real time reporting has never been done at scale during elections. Most emerges after the election. We had law enforcement, Intel specialists, and prosecutors at the pit. This will leave a mark.

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