 Catherine Herridge / @CBS_Herridge 10/22/2022 08:29:23
ID: Twitter for iPhone
Twitter: 1583797666844065793

 Catherine Herridge / @CBS_Herridge 10/22/2022 08:29:22
ID:Twitter for iPhone
Twitter: 1583797662612361216
Image Name: l41-emuNVdBwIh_0.mp4
Filename: l41-emuNVdBwIh_0.mp4

On Ukraine, as Secretary of State + CIA Director Mike Pompeo was involved in planning the responses that might be contemplated if Russia used nuclear weapons, "..it is not a zero-probability event…I hope that the Biden administration is privately…

and that is the right way to do it, is not about big public pronouncements. It is about a private, direct conversation with Vladimir Putin, making very clear what the West is prepared to do, NATO's and the United States are prepared to do.” Via @CBSNews #Weekender
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