 Richard Grenell / @RichardGrenell 09/16/2022 09:38:28
ID: Twitter for iPhone
Twitter: 1570769087890100225

 Bahman Kalbasi / @BahmanKalbasi 09/15/2022 17:20:44
ID:Twitter for iPhone
Twitter: 1570523030471970816
Image Name: FcueXzzXgAQp9vt.jpg
Filename: FcueXzzXgAQp9vt.jpg

As the heartbreaking image of yet another Iranian girl falling victim to “morality” police reignites the disgust of many in Iran at the naked violence against women, let us not forget that the regime leader is the primary backer of forced Hijab & punishing women who oppose it.

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Why does @JakeSullivan46 continue to negotiate with Regimes who kill gays and women?
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