 Christina Pushaw 🐊 🇺🇸 / @ChristinaPushaw 06/02/2022 11:51:24
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Twitter: 1532389428597075968

 Alex Sammon / @alex_sammon 06/01/2022 11:22:06
ID:Twitter Web App
Twitter: 1532019665085644800
The GOP is making a huge push for nonwhite voters, setting up community centers nationwide and courting minorities with an extremely offline, secretive, and media unfriendly campaign, offering free dinners, movie nights, easter egg hunts, more. https://prospect.org/politics/rncs-ground-game-of-inches-convert-minorities-into-republicans/

 Alex Sammon / @alex_sammon 06/01/2022 11:23:27
ID:Twitter Web App
Twitter: 1532020004333428738
It’s part of a new ground game approach that borrows from Bernie Sanders campaign, the Black Panther Party, and Tammany Hall. It’s not exactly vote buying, but…the party sees an opening with minority groups, even while Tucker sings replacement theory. https://prospect.org/politics/rncs-ground-game-of-inches-convert-minorities-into-republicans/

 Alex Sammon / @alex_sammon 06/01/2022 11:25:09
ID:Twitter Web App
Twitter: 1532020431967985665
I went to North Carolina to one of the new sites. I ended up chasing a bunch of teen and 20 year old organizers all over Robeson County, NC’s largest and poorest (and majority minority). It ended with them trying to seize my notes, then giving me the slip. https://prospect.org/politics/rncs-ground-game-of-inches-convert-minorities-into-republicans/

 Christina Pushaw 🐊 🇺🇸 / @ChristinaPushaw 06/02/2022 11:41:33
ID:Twitter Web App
Twitter: 1532386949301948416
White lib journalist chases minority teenagers around North Carolina's "largest and poorest" county, for racial equity. https://twitter.com/alex_sammon/status/1532020431967985665

 Gigi Levangie, etc. / @GigiLevangie 06/02/2022 11:50:32
ID:Twitter Web App
Twitter: 1532389208106496000
@ChristinaPushaw Dude's lucky he didn't come up against parents. 👀

@GigiLevangie Right!? “I promise it’s not what it looks like!!! I’m a real journalist!!!”
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