2117 (11) (2) Epoch: 1536358308 (42) (6) Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/07/2018 18:11:48 ID: bd905b
8chan/qresearch: 2925937Q Clock [ Min: 34 | :25/:55 Mir: 16 | 180 Mir: 4 | :35/:05 Mir: 36 ]
Delta to Reply: 0 D_00:4:56 (seconds total: 296) (17) (8)
Epoch: 1536358012 (34) (7)
Anonymous 09/07/2018 18:06:52 ID:7918a2 8chan/qresearch: 2925844
why isn't Page being targeted/locked up though?
What FISA is about to be DECLAS?
Public spotlight?
How can you prosecute someone and provide testimony to the JUDGE when you KNOW the TRUE EVIDENCE is about to come to LIGHT?
Digging a deeper hole re: testimony to the court?