1552 (13) (4) Epoch: 1529365752 (45) (9) Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/18/2018 19:49:12 ID: d77821
8chan/qresearch: 1804576Q Clock [ Min: 13 | :25/:55 Mir: 37 | 180 Mir: 43 | :35/:05 Mir: 57 ]
Delta to Reply: 0 D_00:28:38 (seconds total: 1718) (17) (8)
Epoch: 1529364034 (37) (1)
Anonymous 06/18/2018 19:20:34 ID:bab86e 8chan/qresearch: 1804036
Will she be indicted? And will this lead to BHO being indicted?
IG email investigation (weakest of set).
Opened door to:
Weiner HRC / Others - crimes against children.
Ref to Huber?
Non public.
CF investigation ongoing.
Ref to Huber?
+FBI protection of HRC.
+FBI criminal acts.
Ref to Huber?
What about DOJ texts/emails?
Why did the intel comm rate sections of the IG report @ highest level of NAT SEC?
What does it involve?
Ref to Huber?
IG report release does not coincide with true start date (info push to) of Huber re: above.
Scope & Size biggest in history.
Grand Jury in place?