Delta to next: 403 D_9:45:8 (seconds total: 34854308) (35) (8)
510 (6) (6) Epoch: 1515385253 (38) (2) Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/2018 23:20:53 ID: c67299
8chan/thestorm: 21777Q Clock [ Min: 31 | :25/:55 Mir: 19 | 180 Mir: 1 | :35/:05 Mir: 39 ]
Delta to Reply: 0 D_00:7:56 (seconds total: 476) (17) (8)
Epoch: 1515384777 (48) (3)
Anonymous 01/07/2018 23:12:57 ID:0f57f7 8chan/thestorm: 21626
At 7:21 PM PST POTUS tweeted 1st half concerning Goodwin article with "consequential" deliberately misspelled as "consensual".
At 7:36 PM PST POTUS tweeted the second half of the sentence re: Goodwin article.
At 8:23 PM POTUS tweets the 7:21 Tweet again with the spelling corrected, "consequential".
At 8:24 PM PST POTUS tweets the 2nd half of the sentence, same as at 7:36 PM PST.
This is meant to teach us how to interpret the correlation between 8ch posts and POTUS Tweets.
?? Is that it, anons ??
Directly after POTUS alters Tweets to [1] min interval and adds "Q" - use graphics.