Search Terms: corney
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Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/17/2019 14:41:31 ID: 663a19
8kun/qresearch: 7536175

Anonymous 12/17/2019 14:36:25 ID:b9d61d
8kun/qresearch: 7536091
Image Name: ClipboardImage.png
Filename: fc19098f351a157514a0a6133f8dc422057d6e1db76f7ba958a76dbed059f851.png


search dep.justice and look what you find re corney
…confinned by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent

James 8 Corney

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[Corn] harvest.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/17/2019 14:28:02 ID: 90221d
8kun/qresearch: 7535971

Anonymous 12/17/2019 14:23:25 ID:8c2899
8kun/qresearch: 7535884
Image Name: 3a1a6683582bd3b3bc4f6a7a287a7729897bf398af3d3f6f504787324e16f0a0.jpeg
Filename: b784be9a1f068524f3d6a7e279ce6a5995fc1e5f2087458f6f3036b317271d41.jpeg

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Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/17/2019 14:00:03 ID: 90221d
8kun/qresearch: 7535511

Image Name: ELXwg7CWkAMdHgh.png
Filename: 947725980718dc17d655132e9f4278e1f592838b28ee55710b36ac01e1314a75.png

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Anons IDEN the 'error' made re: Corney v Comey?
Think recent doc release.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 03/03/2019 18:17:55 ID: 4c2e9e
8chan/qresearch: 5488382
More statements made (evidence) without presenting facts.
If 'evidence' exists(ed), under 'broad' scope #1, would Mueller have the auth to pursue?
The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:
(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and
(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and
(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).
Because no evidence exists(ed) and/or was found by SC/Mueller, was scope #2 enacted in an attempt to go outside of the 'intended engagement'?
Why is scope #2 classified only to AG/DAG and a select few others (read at terminal only)?
If 'evidence' exists(ed), why did R+D members of the Senate conclude NO DIRECT EVIDENCE EXISTS …………..?
If 'evidence' exists(ed), as per your statement released today, again, why did the SENATE (R's + D's) JUST CONCLUDE NO EVIDENCE EXISTS?
When will Americans wake up to the [D] party con that is continually pushed without facts, without support, and supported and further pushed by the media arm of the [D] party [FAKE NEWS MEDIA]?
Reading the comments on these Tweets further demonstrates the seriousness of media brainwashing in our Country whereby statements are considered fact w/o the need to provide proof.
Control of the Narrative.
If enough people state the same thing w/o providing evidence and/or support does it become FACTUAL to those caught in the loop?
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