Direct Drop/Tweet numbers selected: TO18015,TO18016,TO18017,TO18021
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 Devin Nunes / @DevinNunes 06/24/2022 21:22:08
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108535488757679079

 Steve Inman / @steveinman 06/24/2022 21:10:45
ID:Not Available
Truth Social: 108535443995298710
Image Name: 7a696b8ee3a36691.mp4
Filename: ages/7a696b8ee3a36691.mp4

Unbelievable. This is literally worth all the pages I lost in the past 😂 @DevinNunes @Kash thanks for the shout out.

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 Devin Nunes  reTruthed...
 Kash Patel / @Kash 06/24/2022 21:06:09
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108535425898326062

Constitution Upheld today ➡️ limousine liberals implode:
Maxine Waters says they will ‘defy’ supreme court.
Thugs on socials demand the ‘murder’ of supreme court justices.
DOJ actually put out a stmt saying the ‘law’ has been violated, using politics as the justification.

Abortion was not outlawed today, per the constitution, it was sent to the states for the people to decide, and not a DC politburo. the libs now say insurrection is legal n justified-

 Devin Nunes / @DevinNunes 06/24/2022 20:47:27
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108535352346417585   DELETED TRUTH

 Keith Korsgaden / @keithkorsgaden 06/21/2022 11:13:30
ID:Not Available
Truth Social: 108516108566392141

What is fascism in simple terms?
: a political system headed by a dictator in which the government controls business and labor and opposition is not permitted!
When Morning Joe and Mika call Trump a Fascist are they ignorant or did by mistake mean to say Biden? Please tell me how by this definition Trump is a Fascist?

 Devin Nunes  reTruthed...
 Devin Nunes / @DevinNunes 06/24/2022 20:47:06
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108535350994006393

 Keith Korsgaden / @keithkorsgaden 06/22/2022 22:03:29
ID:Not Available
Truth Social: 108524326717178211
Image Name: 0e1c7dfb1f6169b3.mp4
Filename: ages/0e1c7dfb1f6169b3.mp4

Crawdaddys restaurant in downtown Visalia California It’s where the book the Plot against the president kind of starts out. Here is my behind the scenes story of that evening with Devin Nunes and author Lee Smith

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 Devin Nunes  reTruthed...
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