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Visitors (last) - Minute: 30 Hour: 597 24 Hours: 7424  
 Gregg Phillips / @greggphillips 06/17/2022 20:03:48
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108495544538733135

 Gregg Phillips / @greggphillips 06/12/2022 16:53:50
ID:Not Available
Truth Social: 108466486022163430

@tay_phill is my oldest son and has been side by side in the fight for 12 years.

Badass developer, video mastering, and all things technology.

Please follow him for some color commentary on our work.

 Army Mom Ultra MAGA / @PatriotArmyMom 06/17/2022 19:59:04
ID:Not Available
Truth Social: 108495525949754889
Image Name: f78c9d28944eefa4.jpg
Filename: ages/f78c9d28944eefa4.jpg

Sweet- Another male Taylor! My Army kiddo is Taylor and the poor guy went to school with all girl Taylor’s 😂😂😂

 Army Mom Ultra MAGA / @PatriotArmyMom 06/17/2022 19:59:57
ID:Not Available
Truth Social: 108495529405817744

Taylors… stupid autocorrect. 😋

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I get it. Mine was 6’2” 250# beast. He didn’t put up with much. We traded punches for fun in Oat O’Brian’s in New Orleans. Kid had a huge right hand. Lady next to us was shocked, to which one of our friends said “don’t worry it’s his dad.”

@tay_phill ☝🏼 hahahahaha

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