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Image Search Tags:
If all directions of the echo chamber [MSM] state the same thing - even if FICTION/FALSE - do most people then consider it TRUE (factual)?
Direct communication is CRITICAL.
Who controls the FAKE NEWS?
Why is ANTIFA allowed to incite violence, wear masks, make threats, use/carry weapons, and physically harm others who oppose their ideology?
Why does ANTIFA attempt to 'justify' such violence by labeling the 'challenger' as ALT-RIGHT or NAZI?
Why doesn't the LEFT condone such acts of violence and call for an immediate end?
Define 'Projection'.
Define 'Insurance Policy'.
Define 'Warning Against Attempts to Unveil'.
['They' prey on emotionally unstable (helpless) individuals and use them as PAWNS]
What does WRAY know and when will he release to the PUBLIC?
Does such violence (extremism) justify NG deployment in the future ahead of 'planned' public releases?
Military Spending Bill.
Smile for the Camera.